Installation-public spaces-PFAC-2010

Port Angeles Fine Arts Center 2010

A site specifc installation for Art Outside, Port Angeles Fine Art Center 2010

While walking the trails of Webster Wood’s Art Park, I came across this hollowed trunk, which inspired me to create a natural, sacred space like the ones found in the Himalayas. Noticing the similarities between the landscapes of Nepal and the PaciGc Northwest, I was stimulated to interpret natural materials to reHect the aesthetic and spiritual sensibilities of my cultural heritage.

Red earth suspended in cloth deGnes the sculptural space. A rock becomes the focal point for contemplation. To evoke the cycle of growth and decay, barley seeds planted in the earth add phases of color to the installation. Threads wrapped around the tree, as performed in South Asia, invoke the spirit of nature and introduce additional colors and movement to the work.

With the passage of time, earth pigments will stain the fabric that will eventually disintegrate. Earth and rock will fall away as the space returns to its original state.