Installation-Gallery-Laband Art Gallery,

Akash-Himal / Sky Mountain

Laband Art Gallery, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA, 1998

This installation also reFected the spirituality of nature expressed in abstract forms and symbols. The colors and iconography of Nepali Hindu and Buddhist rituals have inFuenced my art, which has also been inspired by Native American culture, Theosophy, and modern abstract art. “Akash- Himal/Sky Mountain” offered an opportunity to experience different art forms united by similar spiritual aspirations.

“Akash-Himal/Sky Mountain” was an an interactive installation featured in Divine Carriers: New Art from India and Nepal at the Laband Art Gallery, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles California. Contrasting traditional and electronic artworks, it explored the similarities and differences between how art is created, stored, transported, exhibited and owned.

Digital artworks were juxtaposed with mixed-media drawings on hand-made Nepali paper to show the similarities between geometric compositions. Sculptures and a pigment drawing on sand suggested further comparisons between more traditional and contemporary methods of art making.